Ancient 3,000-Year-Old Gold Treasure Discovered in Spain Reveals Jewelry Made from Mysterious Metals—Unlocking Otherworldly Secrets

A new analysis of ancient treasures uncovered in Spain has revealed some of the artifacts were made with ‘alien metals’ 3,000 years ago.

Empuñadora del Tesoro de Villena

Scientists conducted a new analysis of the Treasure of Villena, a hoard of 59 gold-plated objects found in 1963, finding two objects featured meteoric iron.

Meteoric iron is an early-universe protoplanetary disk remnant found in meteorites made of iron and nickel.

Image of the Treasure of Villena.

A gold-coated cap and bracelet contained the extraterrestrial material from a meteor that crashed into Earth one million years ago, according to the team’s estimates.

A gold-coated cap and bracelet continued the extraterrestrial material from a meteor that crashed into Earth one million years ago

A gold-coated cap and bracelet continued the extraterrestrial material from a meteor that crashed into Earth one million years ago

The study explained that meteorite iron is found in certain types of stony meteorites, composed mainly of silicates – a salt made of silicon and oxygen.

Ancient bracelet made from extraterrestrial metal discovered in Spain

‘Since they come from outer space, are composed of an iron-nickel alloy with a variable nickel composition greater than five percent by weight,’ researchers wrote.

‘They also contain other minor and trace chemical elements, cobalt being one of the most significant.’

3000-year-old 'treasure' made with extraterrestrial material, finds study | Technology News - The Indian Express

Using fallen meteorites to fashion objects was a common practice thousands of years ago, as a similar artifact was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

The Treasure of Villena was discovered on the Iberian Peninsula, revealing a look at when people shifted from stone to bronze.

Bronze Age 'treasure' was crafted with extraterrestrial metal | Live Science

However, the trove likely belonged to an entire community and not a single royal family.

About 90 percent of the collection was made with 23.5-carat gold and includes eleven bowls, three bottles, and 28 bracelets.

Iron From Space Helps Settle Age Of One Of Spain's Greatest Treasures | IFLScience

The artifacts were discovered by archaeologist José Maria Soler in December 1963, while he and his team were excavating a dry river bed called the ‘Rambla del Panadero’ – about seven miles from Villena.

The artifacts were discovered by archaeologist José Maria Soler in December 1963, while he and his team were excavating a dry river bed called the 'Rambla del Panadero' - about seven miles from Villena

The artifacts were discovered by archaeologist José Maria Soler in December 1963, while he and his team were excavating a dry river bed called the ‘Rambla del Panadero’ – about seven miles from Villena

Researchers found a cap and bracelet that featured meteoric iron - the former had 5.5 percent and the latter just 2.8 percent

Researchers found a cap and bracelet that featured meteoric iron – the former had 5.5 percent and the latter just 2.8 percent

Study senior author Ignacio Montero Ruiz, a researcher at Spain’s Institute of History, told Live Science: ‘The iron technology is completely different to the copper-based metallurgy and to the noble metals (gold and silver).

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